20 October 2011

"New Libya"

"Gaddafi would not consent to taking loans from IMF or World Bank at high interest
rates. In other words Libya was INDEPENDENT! That is the real reason for the
war in Libya! He may be a dictator, but that is not the US problem. Also
Gaddafi called on all Oil producing countries NOT to accept payment for oil
in USD or Euros. He recommended that oil get paid for in GOLD and that
would have bankrupted just about every Western Country as most of them do
not have gold reserves to match the rate at which they print their useless

Gaddafi didn't play ball with the West and has today become yet another victim in a very, very, long list of "dictators" to fall under the Federal Reserve Act from 1913.

There will be a flush of US dollars in Northern Africa from today and the NTC will be at heel.

"New Libya" sounds suspiciously like "New Labour", and we all know what happened there. 

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