25 March 2011

"I Want My Death To Be Mossad Themed"

This is statement on the human rights of the segregated and spat upon Palestinian citizens in Israel. The real victims of a century-old, aggressive and systematic land grab.

In the week between the publication of Al-Jazeerah information on the Palestinian authority's concessions to Israel and the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, The Guardian published a story about Palestinian territory. There was reference within this article about a suburb outside Jerusalem that until 1948 was a Palestinian area of land known as al-Maliha. After the end of the British Mandate Israeli forces captured and occupied this area. As stated in the article the area is now a prosperous Westernized Jewish settlement with shopping mall, basketball arena and this:

The Teddy Kollek Football Stadium

"For Sale: Your Land"
"I Want My Death To Be Mossad-Themed" relates entirely to the complete oddness of having a football stadium sited on a piece land with such a brutal history.
Its symmetry is perfect: the stadium can stand alone and belie the ground it stands on, though in spite of its Western advertisements and flashy seating, settlements, homes and livelihoods were forsaken. It's as if this represents the state of successive Israeli governments' belligerent position as a whole: the past is whitewashed and given a modern look.

Scratch under this healthy green playing surface, or stand on the outside of this idyll and you'll find what you don't want to see.

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