An idea struck me late last year.
Following on from an obsession I had when I was a young lad of making ramshackle, cardboard football stadiums I wanted to rekindle the form and structure of these designs, though now in an adult interpretation. More importantly, I wanted the structures to convey an unshakable interest I have had throughout my entire adult life of the way capitalism affects our very beings constantly.
The opportunity had now arisen and the concept for the piece was immediate. I chose the main stand from my local football team's stadium as the template. This particular structure was entirely apt for the purposes ahead, as the thing was built from fresh-smelling money that had been floated on the LSE. It followed a twenty year fashion of football's galvanization from often neglected and scorned upon spectator's sport into what is now essentially a speculator's sport.
When sitting in this stand you get the opportunity to observe the surreal sight of businessmen spending their Saturday leisure time mingling between corporate handshakes and executive suites. From their suits and overcoats comes the smell of their riches. Up and down the country you know that this is happening simultaneously, week in and week out, fifty two weeks in the year and beyond. The Business not only happens on the field of play but in those executive boxes too.
Commerce fascinates me. I am not in the awe of it; its anthropological aspects appeal to me the greatest. At a football match these bastions of commerce are swamped in number compared to the crowds which cheer on for the sake of the passion for their team. Though curiously that small number is greater in power. Seventy two seats are placed at the centre of "It's a Speculator's Sport", each one penned in by brand new galvanized steel, not ugly looking steel mesh. This is the difference between them and you....
It's A Speculator's Sport - Part #2 is to follow shortly.
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